Your American Dream Score

Around the Ford Foundation and around the world, we’ve all been talking and thinking a lot about how inequality affects our ability to achieve the fabled American Dream: the idea that if you work hard and play by the rules then you should be able to get ahead. Inspired by these conversations, we worked with our partners at Moving Up to develop Your American Dream Score.

The tool aims to help us examine the many experiences, systems, and institutions that have helped—or hindered—our path to where we are today, and to jump-start honest discussions about the role of inequality and opportunity in our lives. 

What is Your American Dream Score?

Spend five minutes taking this quiz. You’ll find out what factors were working in your favor and what you had to overcome to get where you are today. At the end, you’ll receive your score, personalized summary of the results, and probably a big dose of pride and gratitude.

Before we get started, tell us a little bit about yourself.
What kind of “superpowers” would your friends say you have?

Select all that apply

Tell us about your family

Select all that apply

Describe where you grew up

Select all that apply

As a child did you have to deal with either of the situations below?
  • A parent or other adult in my household often swore at me, insulted me, put me down, or humiliated me.
  • A parent or other adult in my household was a problem drinker or alcoholic, or used street drugs.
What about your health?

Select all that apply

Tell us about your work

Select all that apply

Which best describes your school days?

Select all that apply

Life Happens

Select any of the scenarios below that have impacted your life

Tell us about your friends

Select all that apply

What benefits have you ever received?

Select all that apply
